

May 26, 2023

New Hampshire man is charged with threatening to kill a senator

A New Hampshire man has been charged with threatening to kill a senator, allegedly telling investigators he was upset after seeing news reports of a lawmaker "blocking military promotions."

Federal prosecutors announced Friday that Brian Landry, 66, was charged with threatening to assault, kidnap or murder a U.S. official in connection with the official's performance of official duties in connection with a voicemail he left last month for the unidentified senator.

Landry, of Franklin, N.H., admitted to calling the senator's "office because he was angry about what he saw on the news" about the military promotions, an FBI special agent said in the charging documents.

"Hey stupid I’m a veteran sniper. And unless you change your ways, I got my scope pointed in your direction and I’m coming to get you. You’re a dead man walking you piece of f------ s---," Landry said in a May 17 voicemail he left with the senator's office, according to the charging documents.

About 200 defense-related promotions have been stalled in the Senate over Sen. Tommy Tuberville's opposition to a Pentagon policy that provides paid time off and travel expenses for service members and dependents seeking abortions.

A spokesperson for Tuberville, R-Ala., declined to comment Friday night.

The charge against Landry could result in a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, up to 3 years of supervised release, and a fine up to $250,000, the Justice Department said in a news release.

The U.S. Attorney's Office involved in the case did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday night.

In court documents, the FBI special agent said U.S. Capitol Police used records provided by a wireless carrier to trace the phone number linked to the May 17 call back to Landry. Landry later admitted to having called the senator's office, the special agent said.

During a May 24 interview at his home, investigators said that Landry "informed us that he is extremely angry with certain politicians over their handling of important entitlement programs for veterans," while adding that he did not recall what he said in the voicemail.

After investigators informed him about the contents of the voicemail, Landry "acknowledged he may have said those things, but denied any intentions or desire to commit violence" against the unnamed senator or anyone else.

The federal public defender's office in New Hampshire, which is listed as representing Landry, did not not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday night.

In a statement, Capitol Police said, "We are incredibly grateful for the dedication of all our investigators who work around the clock to protect the Members of Congress."

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